Elementary Science
The Gates Chili elementary science program emphasizes:
- A hands-on and student-centered approach.
- Students actively engage in the discovery process, often working in small groups.
- Focus on problem-solving, positive science attitudes, new content, and scientific literacy.
- Inquiry-Based Learning:
- Regular investigations in grades K-5.
- Nurture curiosity and foster lifelong positive attitudes toward science.
Each grade level completes life science, physical science, and earth and space science units.
Grade K
- Life Science: "Worm Scouts" - Ecosystem exploration with redworms.
- Earth and Space Science: "Weather for Kindergarten" - Understanding sun's effects on Earth.
- Physical Science: "Pushes and Pulls" - Exploring forces and motion.
Grade 1
- Life Science: "A Bunny's Life" - Observing animal traits, behavior and survival.
- Earth and Space Science: "Sky Patterns" - Investigating sky patterns.
- Physical Science: "Sending Messages with Light and Sound" - Exploring sound and light.
Grade 2
- Physical Science: "Made of Matter" - Properties and uses of matter.
- Earth and Space Science: "Earth's Features" - Land and water features and solutions.
- Life Science: "Save the Bees" - Understanding plant and animal relationships.
Grade 3
- Life Science: "Where are the Wolves" - Ecosystem impact of wolves.
- Earth and Space Science: "Investigating Weather and Climate" - Weather and climate study.
- Life Science: "Generations of Butterflies" - Life cycles and inheritance.
Grade 4
- Life Science Kit: “A Walk in the Park”- Interaction between their internal and external structures
- Earth Science: “Earth’s Processes in NY”- Changes in a landscape over time zooming in to New York State
- Physical Science: "Powering through the Fair" - Energy exploration
Grade 5
- Life Science: "Deer, Deer, Everywhere" - Matter and energy in ecosystems
- Physical Science: "Toys Matter" - Structure and properties of matter, engineering.
- Earth and Space Science: "Got Water?" - Exploration of earth's systems and pollution cleanup.