Secondary Physical Education
Middle School Physical Education
The Gates Chili Middle School Physical Education program is aligned with the New York State Physical Education Learning Standards. Students participate in a variety of individual and team activities in a coeducational setting. The Gates Chili Middle School Physical Education program consists of a choice system which allows students grades 6-8 to pick from a variety of units, some individual, others more team-oriented. Students are taught that physical activity provides an opportunity for life-long enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and communication.
Instructional Units:
Students participate in modified team game activities in soccer, football, basketball, floor hockey, volleyball, and softball. Individual lifetime activities such as ping-pong, tennis, yoga, weight training, swimming, bicycling, archery, and snowshoeing are introduced.
Through participation in these physical education activities students will: acquire the basic knowledge and fundamental skills necessary to participate in a variety of healthy activities; understand and appreciate the benefits of maintaining a healthful lifestyle; understand how to evaluate and access resources in their community to pursue a healthy and active life; demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior through physical activity; and Increase their understanding and acceptance of differences among people.
Intramurals/ Extracurricular Participation:
Participation in intramurals and athletics is an extension of the Middle School Physical Education Program. Intramural opportunities are offered to all 6-7-8 grade students who are not already participating on a Gates Chili School District sports team. Activities offered tend to follow the Curriculum. Extracurricular Participation is offered to any 7-8 student. The Modified Sports program offers a variety of Activities throughout the school year.
High School Physical Education:
Physical Education 9 -12 Physical Education at Gates Chili High School is based upon the following goals: acquiring the knowledge to develop and maintain an optimal level of personal fitness; developing a higher level of competence in skills and knowledge of movement and sport; developing and maintaining a positive attitude toward fitness, movement and sport. The Physical Education curriculum is based on a selective program whereby students may choose from a number of activities in order to meet our program goals. Each student must take the FITNESSGRAM and participate in dance and aquatics. All students will participate in the FITNESSGRAM in the fall semester and again in the spring semester. FITNESSGRAM is a complete battery of health-related fitness items that are scored using criterion-referenced standards. FITNESSGRAM is also a report card that summarizes the student’s performance on each component of health-related fitness. All students will also participate in a week-long dance unit that will feature square dancing and line dancing.
Aquatics Program:
All 9th -12th grade students will participate in an instructional swimming program. Red Cross level V skills will be taught during the warm up segment of the class. The class will also participate in water activities and water sports. This program will consist of: water polo, water basketball, water football, kayaking, snorkeling and water aerobics.