Elementary Physical Education
All students receive Physical Education instruction. Students will be assessed in the following areas:
manipulative skills
movement concepts/nonmanipulative skills
locomotor skills
the application of rules, concepts, and strategies.
Our goal is for our students to feel successful while participating in a variety of movement activities. This will help guide our students in developing a positive attitude towards being physically active (striving to get 60 min. of physical activity daily).
Skill Indicators:
Manipulative Skills - Kicking, Striking, Catching, Throwing, Ball Handling
Movement Concepts / Nonmanipulative Skills - Spatial Awareness, Transferring Weight, Balance
Locomotor Skills – Dance, Skipping, Hopping, Running, Galloping, Sliding
Fitness – Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Body Composition
Aquatics- students in 5th grade participate in a learn to swim program at the High School Pool.
Application of Rules, Concepts and Strategies
Behavior Indicators:
Respect (shows respect for equipment, classmates and teachers)
Hard Work (puts forth effort towards expected tasks and tries their best)
Responsibility (listens and follows directions, demonstrates self-control)
Compassion (demonstrates good sportsmanship, works well with peers)
Participation in intramurals is an extension of Elementary Physical Education Program.
Intramural opportunities are offered to all 4th and 5th grade students.
Activities offered tend to follow the Unit of instruction in the Curriculum.
This may vary depending on the student’s home school.
Please check your child’s PE Schoology page for updates and activities of our current units and assignments.
Our program is vertically aligned with our middle school and high school programs.
The elementary PE program serves as the foundation for our students to transition through grades 6-12.