Elementary Physical Education

  • All students receive Physical Education instruction. Students will be assessed in the following areas:  

    • manipulative skills 

    • movement concepts/nonmanipulative skills 

    • locomotor skills 

    • Fitness 

    • the application of rules, concepts, and strategies.  

    Our goal is for our students to feel successful while participating in a variety of movement activities. This will help guide our students in developing a positive attitude towards being physically active (striving to get 60 min. of physical activity daily).   

    Skill Indicators:   

    • Manipulative Skills - Kicking, Striking, Catching, Throwing, Ball Handling   

    • Movement Concepts / Nonmanipulative Skills - Spatial Awareness, Transferring Weight, Balance  

    • Locomotor Skills – Dance, Skipping, Hopping, Running, Galloping, Sliding   

    • Fitness – Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Body Composition   

    • Aquatics- students in 5th grade participate in a learn to swim program at the High School Pool. 

    • Application of Rules, Concepts and Strategies   

    Behavior Indicators:   

    • Respect (shows respect for equipment, classmates and teachers)   

    • Hard Work (puts forth effort towards expected tasks and tries their best)   

    • Responsibility (listens and follows directions, demonstrates self-control)   

    • Compassion (demonstrates good sportsmanship, works well with peers)   


    • Participation in intramurals is an extension of Elementary Physical Education Program.   

    • Intramural opportunities are offered to all 4th and 5th grade students.   

    • Activities offered tend to follow the Unit of instruction in the Curriculum.  

    • This may vary depending on the student’s home school.   


    • Please check your child’s PE Schoology page for updates and activities of our current units and assignments.   

    • Our program is vertically aligned with our middle school and high school programs.   

    • The elementary PE program serves as the foundation for our students to transition through grades 6-12.