Elementary Social Studies

  • The primary purpose of the Gates Chili Social Studies curriculum is to develop informed and reasonable global citizens in a diverse democratic society. 

    • Students learn through inquiry, analysis of primary and secondary sources, and interdisciplinary skills and practices. 

    • Common themes, key ideas, and concepts are used across all grades. 


    Kindergarten: Self and Others 

    • Focus on understanding self in the context of surroundings. 

    • Learning about similarities, differences, holidays, symbols, and traditions. 

    • Emphasis on respect, rights, and responsibilities. 


    Grade 1: My Family and Other Families, Now and Long Ago 

    • Examining families and cultural diversity within societies; local and worldwide. 

    • Introduction to responsible citizenship and authority in rule-making. 

    • Introduction of geography skills and economics principles. 

    Grade 2: My Community and Other Communities 

    • Study of local communities, urban, suburban, and rural distinctions. 

    • Introduction to democratic principles, environmental changes, cause and effect. 

    • Exploration of resource availability and interdependence. 


    Grade 3: Communities of the World 

    • Study of worldwide communities; focusing on geography, government, customs, economics, and social issues. 

    • Introduction to human rights and social action. 

    • Compare communities worldwide to students’ local community. 


    Grade 4: New York State and Local History and Government 

    • Focus on New York State and local community history, geography, economics, and government. 

    • Identify multiple perspectives from a historical event. 

    • Recognize dynamics of historical continuity and change over periods of time. 


    Grade 5: Western Hemisphere 

    • Examination of Western Hemisphere history, geography, cultures, civilizations, governments and economics.