Elementary ENL

  • Gates Chili has English Language Learners (ELLs) at each of the four Gates Chili elementary buildings: Neil Armstrong, Walt Disney, Florence Brasser and Paul Road. ESOL teachers work together with classroom teachers to support ELLs as they acquire content knowledge while also progressing towards English language proficiency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

    ENL services are provided through both integrated and stand-alone classes, depending on the student’s English proficiency level. Stand-alone ENL groups support Entering, Emerging and some Transitioning level ELLs. In small groups, students receive English language development instruction in order to acquire the English language needed for success in core content areas. Integrated ENL services are provided in the elementary classroom and are co-taught by the classroom teacher and the ESOL teacher. English Language Learners at all proficiency levels receive integrated instruction. English language arts and content-area instruction are taught in English using specific ENL instructional strategies.  


    What makes the Gates Chili Elementary ENL program unique?

    • ESOL teachers work closely with classroom teachers to provide instruction using ENL strategies to support language development.
    • ESOL teachers build relationships with students and their families to support the students’ education.
    • Each elementary building has a designated teacher’s aide who supports ELLs throughout the day.