Gates Chili Technology

  • Technology Vision

    Our vision is that students, teachers and administrators will leverage the use of technology in a way that fosters student-centered learning, creates self-directed and collaborative learners and promotes global citizenship.

    We envision that technology devices and resources will be available to all students:

    • To provide global access to the best sources of information beyond the four walls of the classroom.
    • To deliver individualized and differentiated instruction tailored to students' specific abilities.
    • To provide opportunities to work collaboratively, both in person and at a distance, and to communicate ideas effectively to multiple audiences using new media.
    • To provide regular opportunities to use technology in the development of skills that encourage personal productivity, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

    Technology Plan

    The Gates Chili Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to further the District's educational goals through the use of appropriate and high quality technology (see Board Policy 9410).  Technology tools and resources play a vital role in supporting learning environments where students and teachers are communicating, creating, problem solving and working collaboratively in a global learning community. The Gates Chili Instructional Technology Plan will provide direction and establish specific action steps related to the implementation of instructional technology.


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