Voters approve no-tax-impact capital project

  • The results are in, and residents of the Gates Chili Central School District voted to approve the district’s proposed capital project with no tax impact. More than 350 district residents exercised their right to vote, with 291 voting "yes" and 83 voting "no” to the proposed work. We’re grateful to members of our community for their participation in the process; from joining the district at community forums to learn more about the proposal, to making their voices heard at the ballot box. We believe in a brighter, better future for our Spartan community, and we thank you once again for your confidence in the Gates Chili Central School District.

    The capital project, now approved by the voters, supports upgrades, improvements, and routine maintenance at Florence Brasser Elementary School, Gates Chili High School, Gates Chili Middle School, and the Gates Chili Administration Building. Additionally, a Building Condition Survey completed by our architects last year identified many items at these sites that need repair, replacement, safety upgrades and better accessibility for people with disabilities. Construction is expected to begin in 2024.

    For updates on the progress of this project, click here or on the Capital Project Updates button.


  • Capital Project Updates
  • Funding the project
  • Presentations and publications
  • Proposed project schedule
  • Scope of the work