
  • Agape Club - Mrs. Mantisi

    “Faith, Friends, Fun!”  Agape Club promotes a safe environment (verbally and physically) where kids can have fun, play games, and socialize, all while discussing everyday issues with a Christian foundation. 


    Bookstore - Mrs. Falletti

    Bookstore helpers who display hard work and responsibility are selected through recommendations by teachers and an application process.  During the school day, helpers are directly involved in the operation of our school store. There are two meetings during the school year that bookstore workers must attend in order to work in the store.


    School Improvement Team (SIT) - Dr. Buckshaw 

    SIT is a Middle School group comprised of teachers, support staff, administrators, students, and parents who work towards improving equity within the school and district. It is a subset of the District Equity Team.  The meetings will occur once a month. 


    Leo Club - Mrs. Navarro-Lindsay & Ms. Blaesi

    Leo Club is a cooperative venture with the Gates and Chili Lions Clubs to provide positive volunteer experiences for Middle School students.  


    Make A Difference Team - Mrs. Fox 

    Team members work with the advisors, school and community groups doing service projects that “Make A Difference.” 


    National Junior Honor Society - Mr. Chase

    Seventh grade students who meet the cumulative GPA requirement after the 3rd quarter are considered for membership based on service, leadership, citizenship, and character. You will be asked to complete a candidate application and recommendation forms. To become a member of NJHS, you must be selected as a candidate by the nominating council, based on your application and recommendations.  You will spend your 8th grade year as an active member of NJHS by participating in meetings and service projects. 


    Peer Ambassadors - Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Paiement

    Members of this group work throughout the year supporting students and parents.  Ambassadors regularly assist in functions such as “Meet the Staff Night” and “Family Fun Night.”  They also participate in acts of goodwill helping teachers and principals. This program is available to 7th and 8th grade students only and by recommendation only. Recommendations are made in the spring of each year for the following academic year.


    Peers Against Substance Abuse (PASA) - Mrs. Strong & Ms. Henchen

    Students who join this group are interested in promoting positive lifestyle choices by making a commitment to live drug free.  Students learn how to discourage their peers from using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Members of this club play games, watch movies/presentations, listen to music, participate in outdoor activities, and have fun together while participating in healthy/safe alternatives to drug use. Students will help plan Red Ribbon Week and participate in other fun, drug-free activities throughout the year.  Our group meets once a month and new members are always welcome.


    Student Council - Mrs. Dorofy & Mrs. Salgado-Givens

    Student Council officers and representatives are elected by the student body.  They meet regularly to plan school-wide activities, help increase school spirit, and sponsor fund-raising events.