6:30 PM BOE Mtg.
Welcome to Gates Chili Middle School! We are proud of our school and invite you to travel "inside GCMS" to learn more about the quality of our instructional programs, staff commitment, and community partnership. Gates Chili Middle School enjoys a proud tradition of academic excellence. We are an innovative school with an educational program that is challenging, integrated, and standards-based. Our instruction and support is focused specifically on the needs and characteristics of young adolescents. The single mid-level building within the Gates Chili School District, GCMS enrolls 900 students in grades six through eight.
GCMS establishes smaller learning communities by dividing a large school into three separate, small communities (6 – 8). The communities are designated a specific hallway in which the students attend their core, academic classes. For exploratory classes, the students have an opportunity to travel to different parts of the building and mix with other students.
Each community has an administrator, faculty, and 6th - 8th-grade students and teachers, with a student assignment process that ensures equitable distribution of students by race/ethnicity, socio-economic status (SES), language, gender, prior educational achievement, and ability/disability. The grade levels within each community are effectively teamed, creating a small personalized learning environment in which interdisciplinary teams share the same students. The three communities are named: Amerks, Red Wings, and Rhinos. The Assistant Principals are:
Our staff is dedicated to the service of children and their families. Together we teach and inspire excellence for all learners.
Dr. Daniel Zdanowski, Principal
Click this link to view or download the calendar at-a-glance for the 2024-25 school year. This calendar will also be mailed home as part of the budget issue of the district newsletter.
Families are always welcome to add money to student meal accounts with no fee by sending cash or check to the School Nutrition office or at any cafeteria cash register.
More than 300 district residents exercised their right to vote, with 238 voting "yes" and 74 voting "no” to the proposed work, a more than 76% approval.
January issue of the district e-newsletter now available This month’s e-news features important information about: Capital Project information, kindergarten registration and UPK lottery, upcoming events, and more!
From cooking to travel or music to swim, there's something for everyone in the winter offerings from Gates Chili Continuing Education! Register for courses at gateschili.org/ContinuingEd.
Check out our 2025 Special Edition Newsletter! This Issue includes information about our upcoming Capital Project: Future Ready. Don't forget to come out and vote on Wednesday, Feb. 5!
This month’s e-news features important information about: the Capital Project vote, GC's new website (coming soon), Lunar New Year, and more!
Carter currently serves as Chief Diversity Officer at Coordinated Care Services, Inc. She is a Certified Diversity Executive (CDE) with nearly two decades of experience with diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
This month’s e-news features important information about: winter weather reminders, information about the District Office location change and more!