Instruction at Neil Armstrong
Together, teachers and administrators, have established a strong curriculum foundation aligned to New York State Standards. To learn about curriculum for each content area, click the district curriculum information button on the right.
Classroom Teachers
Click on the name below to email the teacher:
Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade
Tara Griffin Angela Hargather Orlando Boxx
Emily Christensen Kristine Heirigs Leslie Conroy
Nicole McMillan Colleen MacBride Melissa Flow
Michelle Santoleri Joy Swierk Angelique Gage
Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade
Shiejen Trovato Angela Rogers Carissa Binger
Brooke Marciano Sean Johnson Kandie Campbell
Sam Marollo Brittany Dhaliwal Maison Fadale
Elle Cottone Katrina Keefe Stephani Wells
8:1:2 Grades K-2 8:1:2 Grades 3-5
Stacy Teetsel Kimberly Burgholzer