• Absences & Tardies

    Our School District Code of Conduct and Character states our belief that there is a positive correlation between school attendance patterns and academic achievement. Excessive absences, tardies, and early departures undermine a student's academic success. 

     If your student is absent for any reason, please follow these steps: 

    • Call and leave a message on the attendance phone on the first day of absence to report the reason (585) 340-5546. 

    • Failure to report an absence the morning they are not in school will result in an automated notification from ParentSquare.  

    • Send your student in with a written excuse when they return to school after each absence. 


    After 9:00 a.m., students are considered tardy. An adult must park in the visitor's lot to bring the student into the building to sign in. 


    Absences and late arrivals are considered "excused" for the following reasons: 

    • Illness (contact the Health Office for the latest information on treatment of illnesses at 247-2288.) 

    • Illness or death in the family 

    • Court Summons 

    • Medical Appointments 

    If your student visits a doctor for an injury, please make sure to provide us with documentation stating if and when they return or can return to physical activity.