Student Support Services
The Neil Armstrong Student Support Services Department supports the District’s mission:
“Together we teach and inspire excellence for all learners”
through a comprehensive school social emotional learning program.
With a commitment to individual uniqueness and diversity, the SEL Program is designed to address the personal/social, academic and career development of all students. The Gates Chili Counseling Curriculum is defined by the standards of the ASCA National Model and is an integral part of the school’s total program. The program provides all students with the resources to develop and practice the mindsets needed to facilitate a seamless transition into the world of work, lifelong learning and citizenship.
In Gates Chili, each grade level is exposed to social emotional learning. Topics covered in classroom SEL lessons include:
- Skills for Learning (listening and focusing)
- Empathy
- Emotion Management
- Upstanders and Anti-bullying
- Problem Solving
- Mindfulness
- Coping Skills
- Growth Mindset
- Executive Functioning
- Personal Safety
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention
For more information & resources, you can visit the
Gates Chili Elementary Counseling Page or the Gates Chili School District Counseling page.
Below is our STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES TEAM. For more information, you can click on their name to contact them by email:
Mrs. Danielle Colon - School Psychologist
Mrs. Jill Gorski - School Social Worker
Mr. J.J. Johnson - School Counselor
Mr. Benjamin Matz - 8:1:2 Social Worker
Mrs. Christine Smeaton - District Behavioral Specialist
Ms. Dawn Valente - School Caseworker