School Improvement Team

  • The Walt Disney Elementary School Improvement Team (SIT) promotes a partnership between parents/guardians, teachers, school staff and administrators. Disney's SIT is made up of representatives from across the school and has a shared understanding of the role the SIT plays in supporting, driving, and monitoring improvement.

    The purpose of the team is to help improve the educational performance of students and support the district goals. The team meets regularly to oversee the implementation of school improvement goals. Consideration is given to educational issues that have a correlation to improve student achievement and also support the annual goals established by the Board of Education and Superintendent. Family input is encouraged and valued. Feel free to contact any Disney representative with your ideas or opinions.

    If you would like to attend a meeting, check the district calendar for the most up-to-date dates, times and locations. Recordings of past meetings are posted below.

    Your involvement will help to make a difference!


Disney Dragon
  • 2023-2024 Building Goals

    Walt Disney Elementary School is committed to developing and implementing a school improvement plan on an annual basis. Every year our building goals are collaboratively established through a variety of building-wide and community-wide committees. We break our annual body of work up into the three pillars of our school: (1) Family and Community Engagement, (2) DEI and Restorative Practices, and (3) Access to Rigorous Instruction. 

    Click here to view this year's annual school improvement plan.


    2023-2024 Virtual School Improvement Team Meetings

    We are committed to distributing the links to our virtual School Improvement Team meetings to all families in our school throughout the year. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. We are also committed to posting videos of the virtual meetings for those who cannot attend, but would like access to the information shared at the meetings. Links to this year's meetings can be found below. We have virtual School Improvement Team Meetings scheduled on the following dates:

    • October, 17 (Building Goals)
    • November, 28 (Title I)
    • January, 23 (Mid-Year Progress)
    • March, 26 (Survey Data Review)
    • May, 28 (Professional Learning Review) 


Oct. 17 - Building Goals

Nov. 28- Title 1